10 environmentally friendly home-tips to save the planet
Using natural resources mindfully, saving on fuel and energy, recycling, reducing plastic use and avoiding dumping among other eco-friendly activities can greatly reduce the carbon footprint. You have made the right choice by adopting eco-friendly activities at home. If you have no idea where to start, here are 9 tips to borrow from.
Harmful chemicals, gas emissions and dumping have led the planet to a climate crisis. The crisis has greatly threatened the future of the planet Earth; animals, plants, and humans. The question remains, can the planet be saved, or is it too late?
The truth is that the little environmentally conscious people do in their lives to conserve the environment goes a long way in saving the environment. Using natural resources mindfully, saving on fuel and energy, recycling, reducing plastic use and avoiding dumping among other eco-friendly activities can greatly reduce the carbon footprint.
You have made the right choice by adopting eco-friendly activities at home. If you have no idea where to start, here are 9 tips to borrow from.
1. Reduce water wastage
If you were to think of how much of this natural resource goes to waste in homes every day, you would be surprised. Thankfully, you can reduce the statistics by adopting ways to cut back on water wastage.
For one, take a shorter shower and cut back on washing clothes after every wear. Reduce the purchase of bottled water and start drinking tap water. You can always use a filter to purify the tap water. Instead of letting water flow down the drain as you wait for it to warm up in the shower or kitchen, put a container to hold it. You can then use it to water your plants.
Consider a bathroom remodeling to install a low-flow showerhead and repair any leakages.
2. Save on energy
There are several ways to save energy in your home. Make sure to unplug appliances when they are not in use. Wherever possible wash your clothes on cold and hang them outside to dry instead of using the drier. Replace your light bulbs to energy-saving ones. You should also be careful when buying appliances. On average, appliances are responsible for roughly 13% of your total household energy use. When purchasing an appliance, you should pay attention to two numbers: the initial purchase price and the annual operating cost.
3. Reduce the use of plastics
When plastics find their way to the waterways, they destroy the water life. The bad thing about them is that they do not decompose. Instead of using a plastic shopping bag, go for eco-friendly materials such as canvas.
It would really be hard to avoid plastic. When one lands in your hands, be sure to reuse as many times as you can and finally recycle them. Less than 14 percent of plastic packaging is recycled, the amount of plastic that goes to waste in the environment is a lot, so always recycle, recycle, recycle.
4. Use cloth towels
Paper towels end up in the bin and later in the landfills. Save the environment by using a cloth instead. Old t-shirts make a good rug for cleaning. The good thing is that you can wash it and use it again. This not only will help the environment but also will serve as a great way to save up some extra money every month.
5. Start a garden
Plants emit oxygen and inhale carbon dioxide, so they ideally purify the air. In addition, growing your own organic food reduces the use of harmful chemicals. You get fresh supply of food right from your backyard, which reduces the fuel you would use driving to the market.
6. Make compost
Instead of throwing food wastes in the bin, opt to make a composite with it. This is a good way to get nutrients for your plants and prevent waste from ending up dumped in the landfill. It also improves the soil in many ways. It helps loosen the compaction of heavy soils. It helps sandy soils trap and hold water. It has the same benefits of chemical compost, but it differs because it is all natural, and no dangerous chemicals are needed to create it.
7. Use organic cleaning products
The harmful chemicals found in most cleaning products are not only harmful to the environment, but to you as well. Use cleaning products that are more natural and organic. You can easily make your own cleaning products so that you are assured of their safety. For instance, you can make a window cleaner using white vinegar, warm water, and tea tree oil.
8. Avoid driving
If you are making a trip that can be done by foot or bike, then by all means use that. Fuel emissions from a vehicle pollute the air greatly. If you must drive, ensure that your vehicle engine is well serviced and running smoothly to avoid such emissions.
9. Reduce paper usage
It is easy to go without paper in this age where we have computers and smartphones. Leverage technology and avoid using paper. For instance, you can request for an online electricity bill instead of getting it on paper. Reducing paper usage will not only reduce dumping but will reduce significantly the cutting down of trees used to make them.
10. Weatherize your home
Weatherizing, or sealing air leaks around your home, is a great way to reduce your heating and cooling expenses. The most common sources of air leaks into your home are vents, windows, and doors. To prevent these leaks, you should ensure that there are no cracks or openings between the wall and vent, window, or doorframe.
Air leaking out of your home is most often from the home interior into your attic through small openings. Whether it is through ducts, light fixtures, or the attic hatch, hot air will rise and escape through small openings. As the natural flow of heat is from warmer to cooler areas, these small openings can make your heating bill even higher if your attic is not sufficiently insulated. To reap the full amount of savings from weatherization, you should consider fully insulating your home.
Choosing an eco-friendly lifestyle is not a complicated affair. They are just the simple things you chose to do for the betterment of the planet. As seen from above, the most environmentally friendly activities at home give you an advantage. They not only keep the environment clean but also save you some money. Discover the Vitesy products to improve your indoor air quality.
Author: Elena Adler