The app reports me an “ERROR 1” after the WiFi connection

The main reason could be that your Wifi’s connection is poor because your Natede isn’t close enough to the router

Place your Natede near the router where you can take the best signal. 

But if you think that your Natede is close enough to your router, then the router itself might be the problem

In fact, we don’t support every type of settings

  • Your WiFi network must be set on 2.4GHz frequency. You can try to change the frequency of your router or, if it's dual-band, create a new WiFi network with a 2.4GHz frequency. Natede only works with 2.4GHz frequency.
  • Your WiFi network must be set under channel 11 or lower on your router settings. 
  • Your WiFi password must be at least 8 characters long and max 32 characters long. 
  • Your WiFi password can’t contain any special characters. Here’s the list of the accepted characters: 1 ! # $ & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ "
  • You have iOS 14.0 or later & Android 6.0 or later.

If you need more help, email us at


Still have questions?

Contact us - +39 3457904690
Our customer support team is available from 9:00 to 18:00 Central European Time (CET) from Monday to Friday and usually responds within 24-72 hours.