Does Shelfy Really Work?
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Does Shelfy really work?


Discover the science behind Shelfy: what technology does it use? How does it work? Is Shelfy effective against odors? And bacteria? Today we answer all your doubts.

  • Does Shelfy really work?
  • What is photocatalysis?
  • What happens to the bacteria in the air?
  • What does Shelfy do?

Eliminates bad odors
Reduces bacterial load
Extends the life of fruits and vegetables

  • What does the Shelfy Vitesy Hub app do?


Does Shelfy really work?

If you have ever heard of Shelfy, you have probably wondered: "But does it really work?". It is normal to be curious, especially when it comes to a device that promises to eliminate odors, reduce bacteria, and prolong the life of fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator. It may seem like magic, but it is all science!

Today we will see together how Shelfy manages to do all this thanks to advanced and innovative but completely natural technology: photocatalysis.

What is photocatalysis?

Photocatalysis is a natural process that is activated by the presence of light and a photocatalyst. The term itself suggests it: photo, which stands for light, and catalysis, a chemical reaction that is accelerated. In the case of Shelfy, this process is activated by the 12 visible light LEDs present inside the device.

The heart of Shelfy is the ceramic filter: when the air is drawn into the device, it passes through this filter which, when hit by light, begins to purify the air in a completely natural way, without the use of additional chemicals. Photocatalysis, in fact, can be compared to photosynthesis: just as plants transform carbon dioxide into oxygen through light, Shelfy transforms water and oxygen in the air into compounds capable of neutralizing impurities.

Shelfy Filter

The β€œspongy” structure of the filter increases the available surface area and therefore maximizes the effectiveness of Shelfy.

One of the major advantages is that the filter does not retain pollutants, like HEPA filters, but eliminates them at the molecular level! This means that there is no need to change the filter periodically, generating unnecessary waste and spending a lot of money; just rinse the filter under running water once a month.

What happens to the bacteria in the air?

Unpleasant odors in the refrigerator are something we are all familiar with, but not everyone knows that there are other hidden pollutants. One of these is ethylene, a gas naturally emitted by fruits and vegetables during ripening, which accelerates the deterioration of other foods. In addition to this, microorganisms like bacteria and molds can proliferate in the fridge, further contributing to food degradation and the formation of bad odors. When these pollutants are in the air inside our fridge, they are directed onto the photocatalytic filter thanks to the mechanical ventilation system with which Shelfy itself is equipped. This is where photocatalysis works its magic: when the filter is activated by the LED light, highly reactive species are created that can react with the pollutants. Specifically, chemical compounds like odor-causing molecules or ethylene are broken down into smaller molecules until they transform into harmless substances like H2O and CO2; these same reactive species are also able to act on the microorganisms, preventing them from replicating and leading to their cellular death.

This video better shows the journey of pollutants from the air to the Shelfy filter:

What does Shelfy do?

Shelfy is the perfect ally for your refrigerator: it effectively reduces the bacterial load present in the air, neutralizes bad odors, and keeps food fresh longer. Let's find out in detail how it manages to do all this.

Shelfy eliminates bad odors

We all know how unpleasant it can be to open the refrigerator and be greeted by bad odors, like that of fish. But what causes these odors? They are molecules that diffuse in the air and, when they reach our olfactory receptors, are interpreted as "bad smell".

A typical example is trimethylamine, the molecule responsible for the smell of rotten fish. This is where Shelfy comes into play: thanks to photocatalysis, it can drastically reduce the percentage of these molecules. To learn specifically about Shelfy's effectiveness in removing odors, read this blog post!

Shelfy reduces the bacterial load

A refrigerator is never completely sterile: bacteria like Bacillus can circulate in the air and contaminate food. To demonstrate Shelfy's effectiveness, we conducted an experiment: a strain of Bacillus was nebulized in a refrigerator, and after just 10 minutes of using Shelfy, the bacterial load in the air was reduced by 99.37%. This means that the food stored in your fridge will be much safer!

Learn more about our effectiveness by consulting the Test Reports, conducted in collaboration with Italian universities and independent laboratories.

Shelfy bacteria

Shelfy extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables

Did you know that fruits and vegetables release a phytohormone called ethylene that speeds up their ripening? This gas, even in small amounts, can drastically reduce the freshness of your food. Shelfy is able to reduce the concentration of ethylene in the air, thereby slowing down the ripening process and extending the life of your fresh produce. This makes a noticeable difference, but it's also essential to use the refrigerator correctly and optimize its efficiency. Fortunately, just last month we published a complete guide to help you use the fridge at its best!

Shelfy Vitesy Hub app

What does the Shelfy Vitesy Hub app do?

The Vitesy Hub app offers a range of features that make using Shelfy even more efficient and intuitive. One of the main features is the monitoring of the temperature and the time the refrigerator doors are open. This helps improve food storage management, optimizing the refrigerator's energy efficiency and reducing food exposure to bacteria and loss of freshness. Thanks to these sensors, you can keep track of how often the refrigerator is opened and take steps to improve your fridge's efficiency and extend food longevity.

Another feature not to be missed is the Food Library, which provides valuable tips on how to best store various types of food and information on their seasonality. This section helps you manage purchases and storage more consciously, contributing to reducing food waste. Plus, you can connect your Shelfy with Google Home and Alexa voice assistants.

Still not convinced? Try Shelfy yourself and discover the benefits of photocatalysis in your refrigerator! Buy it now and test it risk-free: you have 14 days to decide if it really makes a difference!