5 magical plants that purify indoor air and make your life better
Did you know some plants that purify indoor air can remove pollution? This process is called phytoremediation.
Phytoremediation doesn’t happen only in leaves but mostly in the roots. Thanks to a combination of microorganisms, soil, and roots it downgrades air pollution.
As phytoremediation happens only in several plants called “hyperaccumulators”, we are happy to share all the tips and useful information about the best plants for your home. But if you want to learn more about the best plant to place in your office, we already talked about plants that boost your productivity at work. Don’t worry, these are very common plants that you can find everywhere and most of them are also very easy to take care of!
The best 5 plants that purify indoor air
1. Spider Plant
Scientific Name: Chlorophytum Comosum
Otherwise called also “Airplane Plant”, “St. Bernard’s Lily” or “Ribbon Plant”, it has tuberous roots and is available in lots of varieties. This is one of the easiest plants to grow and it may also shoot with flowers that can become baby “spiderettes”. As it removes Xylene, Formaldehyde, Carbon Monoxide and dust, it fits best in a kitchen and near the fireplace.
Tips: don’t water it too much, drain the soil well and prune it often. Spider Plant loves indirect sunlight and being repotted once a year.
2. Dracaena
Scientific Name: Dracaena Marginata
This plant is also called “Song of India”, how beautiful! It has yellow cream leaves and small white flowers. This plant comes from Madagascar and has other than 40 different kinds. Its name means “dragon” in Greek because the sap turns red when clotting (like a dragon’s blood). Dracaena is good at removing all VOCs (in particular Benzene, Formaldehyde, and Trichloroethylene), so it is perfect for keeping in every room of your home!
Tips: little sunlight and moderate water are the best for Dracaena.
3. Boston Fern
Scientific name: Nephrolepis Exaltata
It is a pet-friendly plant, and its leaves are similar to flakes. Boston Fern is good at removing Formaldehyde and Xylene (two pollutants that are found in plastic, from bags to facial tissues).
Tips: it is super easy to grow! Boston Fern loves humidity and indirect light, it will love you if you give it a good soak once a month.
4. Devil's Ivy
Scientific Name: Epipremnum Aureum
Otherwise called Golden Pothos, Money Plant or Silver Vine, it is one of the almost impossible-to-kill plants that stay green even if kept in the dark. In India, it’s considered a plant that brings fortune, wealth, happiness, and good energy to your Feng Shui. Devil’s Ivy is an evergreen vine that alternates green marbled heart-shaped leaves with pinnatifid on mature ones.
For its highly invasive nature, it needs to stay alone and far away from other plants. In nature, in fact, it climbs up trees and takes root when they reach the ground growing along it. It’s good for removing the carcinogen substances, such as Trichloroethylene, Xylene, and Formaldehyde and all the other VOCs, so you can keep it everywhere.
Tips: this plant is shady but thanks to its nature it stands very well in different conditions. It can live also with artificial (fluorescent) light. You need to water it when the soil is dry.
5. Pygmy Date Palm
Scientific name: Phoenix Roebelenii
Pygmy Date Palm, also called Miniature Date palm, is a slow-growing plant that produces red fruits. This plant is the best at removing Xylene.
Tips: it is resistant to pests, loves semi-light and is drought tolerant. This plant loves root baths in summer and dry soil only in winter.
Plants purify your indoor air, but...
As the purification process doesn’t happen only in leaves but in roots, to have a healthy environment you will need many plants as the Indian researcher Kamal Meattle said at TED. You will need a lot of plants in a normal flowerpot per person to get a noticeable result in your indoor air quality. As demonstrated in his research the benefits of plants are astonishing:
- -52% reduction in eye irritation
- -34% reduction in the respiratory system
- -12% lung impairment
- -9% reduction in asthma
- +42% probability of one’s blood oxygen going up
- +20% of human productivity
- -15% energy requirement
That’s why we created a product that takes advantage of the plant’s superpowers boosting it through technology. We created Natede, a smart natural air purifier that, thanks to more than 3 years of tests with the most prestigious research labs in Europe, PNAT and LINV, proved the crushing effectiveness of our system. Natede, thanks to the power of plants, purify your indoor air quality! Our product also leverages ultimate-generation sensors so that you can monitor air quality, temperature, and humidity by checking on your smartphone’s app.